The MadHornet Entomological Supplies Y shaped and Tri tube olfactometers are simple, low cost, yet effective test equipment items. The design is based on similar designs, mainly for mosquito work (1,2). The function is simple – an air current is produced using a fan at the base of the unit. Air is drawn equally down each arm and is mixed. Sample/s are placed in either or both arms, and an insect is released from the base. The insect moves up the base to the joint and then chooses one or the other arm.
Due to the simple design constraints of the system, and variations in fan manufacture, highly precise air velocities are not possible, unless used in conjunction with precision anemometers. Note, that there will be some variation across systems, controllers and experimental conditions. If preference is a volume of air per time setting, then it is possible to use the unit with flow meters, with the correct accessories.
As these products are highly customisable, please contact us to discuss your requirements. Based on this, a design and pricing will be given.
1. Rodriguez SD, Drake LL, Price DP, Hammond JI, Hansen IA. The efficacy of some commercially available insect repellents for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). J Insect Sci. 2015;15(1):140. doi:10.1093/jisesa/iev125
2. (WHO) World Health Organization. 2013. Guidelines for efficacy testing of spatial repellents, p. 58. WHO Press, Geneva.