Insects in Slow Motion

Insects look amazing in high-speed video....Chile is home to over 10,000 insect species. They all look beautiful in Phantom High-Speed. See footage taken with Vision Research Phantoms. If you need to study an aspect of some insect in slow motion, speak to us....

Country wide shut down

Note - due to the shut down, no deliveries can be effected. However we are still active, taking orders, giving quotations etc. Deliveries will begin again as soon as allowed.

The polyphagous shot hole borer – Tree Killer

A recent article in The Conversation, gave a good summary of the state of affairs, and also asks some good questions! "More than two years have passed since the detection of what is arguably the most damaging tree pest ever to arrive in South Africa: the polyphagous...

Mad Hornet Entomological Supplies – New Website

After running for around 18 months, we decided to upgrade the website, to make it better and smoother. So Mad Hornet Entomological Supplies has a new website. The online ordering system is a lot smoother. However please note - that when "placing an order" here, it is...

Too much sugar in nectar ‘slows down bees’

Too much sugar in nectar slows down bees, a study has found. Bumblebees offload the nectar they drink from flowers by vomiting, but the more sugar nectar contains, the thicker and stickier it becomes - meaning it takes more time and energy for the bees to regurgitate...